First-Time Installation

There are several ways to install Aquarium.


This is the preferred approach. Non-windows users may have to use sudo for each command. Install or update to the latest with:

gem install aquarium
gem update aquarium

or if you want an older version:

gem install aquarium -v 0.6.0
gem update aquarium -v 0.6.0

Notes on Updating

Updating to Aquarium-0.7.X

Version 0.7.X supports only Ruby 2.6 or newer. It was tested with 2.7.0p83 (2020-03-31 revision a0c7c23c9c), 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580). Basic JRuby (2.5.3) 2019-04-09 8a269e3 support is provided, but using JRuby currently does not pass all the custom Java specs in the jruby/spec directory, which specifically test working with Java classes. However, JRuby does pass all the Ruby specs in the spec directory. This is a long-standing issue with JRuby support in Aquarium. Patches are welcome!

TODO: There are currently a lot of deprecation warnings.

Updating to Aquarium-0.6.X

Version 0.6.0 supports only Ruby 2.0.0p247. Basic JRuby 1.7.4 (1.9.3p392) support is provided, but using JRuby currently does not pass all the custom Java specs in the jruby/spec directory, which specifically test working with Java classes. However, JRuby does pass all the Ruby specs in the spec directory. I didn’t want to release v0.6.0 with the Java-specific specs not working, but I didn’t have time to resolve the issues. Patches are welcome.

See UPGRADE for details for older releases.

Notes on Building Aquarium

See the [README] for details about how to build Aquarium.

  • gem install aquarium
  • gem update aquarium


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