class Aquarium::Aspects::JoinPoint::Context


Encapsulates current runtime context information for a join point, such as the values of method parameters, a raised exception (for :after or after_raising advice), etc. Context objects are partly value objects. TODO Separate out the read-only part from the variable part. This might require an API change!





Public Class Methods

new(options = {}) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
32 def initialize options = {}
33   update options
34 end

Public Instance Methods

<=>(other) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
67 def <=> other
68   return 0 if object_id == other.object_id 
69   return 1 if other.nil?
70   result = self.class <=> other.class 
71   return result unless result == 0
72   result = Advice.compare_advice_kinds self.advice_kind, other.advice_kind
73   return result unless result == 0
74   result = (self.advised_object.object_id.nil? and other.advised_object.object_id.nil?) ? 0 : self.advised_object.object_id <=> other.advised_object.object_id 
75   return result unless result == 0
76   result = (self.parameters.nil? and other.parameters.nil?) ? 0 : self.parameters <=> other.parameters 
77   return result unless result == 0
78   result = (self.returned_value.nil? and other.returned_value.nil?) ? 0 : self.returned_value <=> other.returned_value 
79   return result unless result == 0
80   (self.raised_exception.nil? and other.raised_exception.nil?) ? 0 : self.raised_exception <=> other.raised_exception
81 end
Alias for: eql?
Alias for: eql?
eql?(other) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
83 def eql? other
84   (self <=> other) == 0
85 end
Also aliased as: ==, ===
inspect() click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
61 def inspect
62   "JoinPoint::Context: {advice_kind = #{advice_kind}, advised_object = #{advised_object}, parameters = #{parameters}, " +
63   "proceed_proc = #{proceed_proc}, current_advice_node = #{current_advice_node.inspect}, returned_value = #{returned_value}, " +
64   "raised_exception = #{raised_exception}, block_for_method = #{block_for_method}}"
65 end
Also aliased as: to_s
invoke_original_join_point(enclosing_join_point, *args, &block) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
52 def invoke_original_join_point enclosing_join_point, *args, &block
53   raise"It looks like you tried to call \"JoinPoint#invoke_original_join_point\" (or \"JoinPoint::Context#invoke_original_join_point\") using a join point without a completely formed context object. (Specific error: The original join point cannot be invoked because no \"@current_advice_node\" attribute was set on the corresponding JoinPoint::Context object.)") if @current_advice_node.nil?
54   enclosing_join_point.context.parameters = args unless args.nil? or args.empty? 
55   enclosing_join_point.context.block_for_method = block if block 
56   current_advice_node.invoke_original_join_point enclosing_join_point
57 end
proceed(enclosing_join_point, *args, &block) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
45 def proceed enclosing_join_point, *args, &block
46   raise"It looks like you tried to call \"JoinPoint#proceed\" (or \"JoinPoint::Context#proceed\") from within advice that isn't \"around\" advice. Only around advice can call proceed. (Specific error: JoinPoint#proceed cannot be invoked because no \"@proceed_proc\" attribute was set on the corresponding JoinPoint::Context object.)") if @proceed_proc.nil?
47   enclosing_join_point.context.parameters = args unless args.nil? or args.empty? 
48   enclosing_join_point.context.block_for_method = block if block 
49 enclosing_join_point
50 end
Alias for: inspect
update(options) click to toggle source
   # File lib/aquarium/aspects/join_point.rb
36 def update options
37   options.each do |key, value|
38     instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value
39   end
40   @advice_kind    ||= Advice::UNKNOWN_ADVICE_KIND
41   @advised_object ||= NIL_OBJECT
42   @parameters     ||= []
43 end