Books and Reports

Books and Reports written or co-written by Dean Wampler

Programming Scala, Third Edition

Programming Scala, Third Edition is a comprehensive introduction to Scala. The third edition was published Jun 2021, covering the new Scala 3 release.

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Fast Data Architectures for Streaming Applications, Second Edition

Fast Data Architectures for Streaming Applications, Second Edition is a free report co-published by Lightbend and O'Reilly on the architectural characteristics of highly available, resilient, scalable, and responsive systems for data stream processing at scale.

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What Is Ray?

What Is Ray? is a report I wrote about Ray, a powerful, cross-language, distributed computing framework that is becoming very popular as the engine behind many ML/AI frameworks.

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Hardware > Software > Process

Hardware > Software > Process, co-written with Paco Nathan, explores the changing landscape of hardware acceleration and its impact on software development, including process.

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Functional Programming for Java Developers: A Short Introduction

Functional Programming for Java Developers: A Short Introduction is a concise, gentle introduction to the basic ideas of Functional Programming and why Java developers should embrace it.

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Programming Hive

Programming Hive is a comprehensive introduction to Hive, the SQL query tool for Hadoop.

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In addition, I have contributed chapters to the following books.

97 Things

97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know is a collection of essays on concepts that data engineers should know and use in building data-centric ecosystems and applications.

97 Things

97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know is a collection of essays for Java developers.